Our Story, The PRF Story
PRF: Why We Make The Difference
PRF History: The Beginning
Welcome to PRF, you premier healthy hair and skin experts. As a company we enjoy making you our guest look and feel your best and understand that real problems exist for hair and skin, which is why we have purposed our facilities, staff and expertise in providing effective real results.
Our innovative approach to restorative care is made easy with our "1-2-3 steps" which include problem identification with a trained expert, change implementation that include natural products and support with results designed to correct and solve hair and skin imbalances in as little as 90 days. Identify the problem, make the necessary changes and get results.
Vision is important for every company as well as our guest and here at PRF we seek to provide healthy beauty solutions, expert practitioners and natural ingredient products that deliver quality, restorative care and balance to hair and skin
At PRF we help restore self-esteem through simple and affordable solutions for healthy hair and skin. This is done by teaching natural care methods, and providing products and services to make it happen.”
Posh Restoration Facilities beginning launched when Founder, Christina Williams was seeking to solve a problem for women who were experiencing an increasingly amount of hair loss coming through the salon door seeking help. Proficient in cosmetic hair coverage solutions, Williams simply was not satisfied with the overall outcome of hair growth results in clients and fed-up with the complaints of excruciating experiences reported by clients from invasive treatments
In and effort to find a solution, we sought through faith a way to correct the hair loss in which she received an answer Feb 2016 to use the "fruit of the tree and herb of the earth to heal the land", Genesis 1:29. Then there came forth a viable effective solution designed with one thing in mind, restorative care for healthy hair and skin.
PRF turned the traditional salon environment into a solution oriented facilities starting out with just 12 natural ingredients in the form of powder such as milk, green tea, egg and a few others, now growing to over 100 different ingredients that now include oils and essential oils used in all of our solutions for hair and skin.
Given the vision with an all-new approach today PRF has moved towards the implementation of comprehensive care for beauty to continue its triumph of bridging the gap of wellness b, balance and measurable results through solutions and education
As a company we have been able to touch over 400+ families to date helping to solve and correct hair loss and skin imbalances through dietary changes, natural care methods, quality products and ingredients designed to nurture, protect and restore proper balance to beauty naturally. Our goal then and now is to simplify education for guest by providing alternative healthy solutions on the market that are totally noninvasive, GMO-free and financially obtainable."
Fast forward our earth-base concept is consistently growing and proving measurable obtainable results for our guest promoting overall beauty and wellness within our communities. Beauty is a journey and we at PRF are committed to providing ongoing support and services. We absolutely love the idea of comprehensive beauty so were always adding to our repertoire of services to deliver the best affordable and effective hair, scalp and solutions in today's market.
Our mission is to talk and build relationships with consumers before considering invasive services or solutions to obtain healthy results. We value health, beauty and comfort are excite to help correct toxic bodies and mindsets that create hair and skin problems. The journey begins within with consistent healthy products and solutions. Any seed can grow in 90 days! Lets' talk before the Dermatologist.
Schedule a discovery consultation with our team of experts to learn more of our restorative care programs and options available to meet you right where you are online or by phone.
Founder, Cosmetology Instructor Christina Williams
PRF History: The Journey
PRF: Our Mission
PRF: Our Vision
BIG STARTS | Posh Restoration Facilities
by Thinking Bigger Business Staff
A new company to keep your eye on: Posh Restoration Facilities.
Company Name // Posh Restoration Facilities
Entrepreneur // Christina Williams
What They Do // Provide all natural noninvasive treatment and solutions for hair loss, scalp and skin conditions
The Inspiration // After starting Posh Restoration Facilities in August 2015 to service clients with hair loss, Williams began to receive inquiries from the same clients about skin problems and conditions. As a company, PRF had introduced natural ingredients to restore loss and bring balance to hair. Soon the company also implemented the same approach to skin care.
The Differentiator // PRF Restoration Facilities has a restoration bar that offers more than 100 natural-based ingredients, including powders and essential oils that help bring balance to the hair, scalp and skin. Specific formulas are created from the restoration bar ingredients to treat individual problems.
What’s Next? // Williams would like to develop systems that will allow her to expand the company’s reach through various distribution channels, online solutions and franchise development opportunities. She is also launching on-the-go solutions in Spring 2017 that will allow clients to purchase natural-based treatments for at-home use.
Visit www.prffacilities.com or call (816) 298-7033 to find out more.