Immunity Support Charm
Our Immunity Support Charm, is a powerful diffuser tool worn as a accessory to support and protect the immune system and can be worn anywhere or anytime. Featuring nature's essential oils and extracts, this charm houses a variety of colored essential oil pads that are fun and interchangeable to wear daily to encourage and promote overall respiratory wellness.
As a immune stimulant, thyme works as a fierce energy when diffused in the air for symptoms such as cold, flu and pneumonia while the strong antibacterial and antiviral properties of eucalyptus provide respiratory support and lavenders antiviral properties work to strengthen the body's immune system and prevent respiratory symptoms.
- Diffuse Charm Necklace (available in silver or gold)
- .5oz Immunity Support Blend and Interchangeable Pads
Immunity Support Charm by PRF ®️
Full Ingredients: Sweet Almond, Lavender, Thyme, Eucalyptus
Includes: Interchangeable Pads